Saturday, March 28, 2009

Why it sometimes sucks to be Protestant

There are times I need things that Protestantism simply isn't interested in.
  • There are days when it would be nice to know that on any given day of the week there would be a prayer service with Eucharist, for me to hear the forgiveness of sins and receive Christ's body and blood.
  • There are days when it would be nice for the church to speak with one prophetic voice to the world.
  • There are days when it would be nice to know that when I or someone else find ourselves in broken communion with the church that we wouldn't be able to just go down the street and find people in a church who didn't give a rat's you-know-what about what sin we were up to.
  • There are days when it would be nice to know that people actually cared about what Christians who came before us had to say.
  • There are days when it would be nice to not have to worry about whether or not I would hear the message of Christ crucified, died, and risen for my sins when I went to church, anywhere, anytime I went.
I'm not suggesting I'm ready to swim the Tiber, because they have a long list of things they can't do for me either (and they don't really do most of the things on this list the best either). But it does have its advantages.

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