Friday, May 16, 2008

Pastor on the run for putting Jesus first

Orlando Sentinel -- DeLand pastor threatened after flag's removal
Do you have an American flag at the front of your church? A Christian flag? Do you even know what the latter is? What would happen at your church if it were taken down?
DeLand police say they are investigating threatening notes sent a local pastor after the 33-year-old removed a U.S. flag from a Baptist church's sanctuary.

DeLand police Lt. Pete Moon says investigators are examining at least three notes sent to Rev. Sean Oliver Allen.

Allen has taken a leave of absence from First Baptist Church of DeLand, the church he came to came in September. Education Pastor John Long says Allen opted to take the leave after receiving a note at his home.

According to a police report, the note read, "Resign this Sunday or else."

Long says some members of the congregation became upset when Allen decided in October to remove the U.S. flag and the church's Christian flag.
This poor pastor, who probably loves the freedom he has in this country as much as the next guy, is getting reamed because he recognizes that Jesus is Lord and Caesar isn't. There were both flags in the front of the church were I was growing up, and I never thought about it until probably sometime in college. We Americans have a strange sort of Christianity that is comfortable with a national symbol, no matter how important to us, taking its place next to the place where the Word is preached and the sacraments administered.

For a similar example, I went to a church in rural Illinois the day before Memorial Day a few years back. It happened to be Pentecost Sunday. Instead of celebrating the birth of the church with the coming of the Holy Spirit, we went outside and read off the names of people who had died in the service of our country. I am sure it was very meaningful to the relatives of those people, and I am grateful for their service (I am personally proud of both of my grandfathers for serving during the Korean War). However, we have a day for celebrating that, and well, guess what, it was the NEXT DAY. Jesus doesn't want the day off for patriotism.

Tell your pastor to take the American flag out of the sanctuary and display it proudly on a pole on his front lawn where it belongs. And I mean no disrespect to anyone, but get rid of the Christian flag. It's misleading, and we already have a symbol; the cross on which our Savior died.

HT: Boar's Head Tavern


Unknown said...

Did they read a list of people who died for their faith?

I have to admit that it bothers me that we pray every week for our members over seas in the service, but rarely pray for our missionaries that we have commissioned to serve over seas.

They are BOTH in harm's way and BOTH deserve our prayers.

John Z said...

To this church's credit, I had been there a few other Sundays were they had done such a thing. But yes, you are right, this is sadly lacking.

The lines between Christianity and civil religion in many churches in America are far too blurred.

Unknown said...

Wow, Grant. You are so spot on with that statement. I have to agree so much. If anything, while I truly appreciate what our service men and women are doing, if anything our missionaries deserve *more* allegiance because their cause is one that's eternal.

Zach said...

There is other name under heaven by which men can be saved than............................................america???

Great post "Cherry Merry fart-face"!