Good grief. First, they pick an outdated translation (though this comes as no surprise). Second, note that it is not the doctrine of creation that is emphasized here, but creationism that is.
Creation is a worthy doctrine to focus on, since the story of the Bible is the story of the God of creation, and how he elects, covenants with, and redeems the people of his creation. In the end, he will also redeem creation itself (Romans 8:18-25). However, creationism is a different thing, and young-earth creationism (YEC) in particular. YEC ties the creation story in the Old Testament to a particular interpretation and a wholesale denial of essentially everything discovered by physics, astronomy, and geology.
More importantly, however, most YEC proponents usually end up de-emphasizing the resurrection and the new creation at the expense of their obsession with the age of the earth. Even more importantly, the story of the Bible is ultimately about Jesus Christ, and how in him all of the themes of the Bible are tied together.
Themed Bibles stink. I have enough trouble with my own presuppositions, the last thing I need is to lay down another layer of them on top of them. I would hope that my ministry would never choose to publish a Bible with our own opinions stuck in there. Luckily, I doubt it.
By the way, "New Defenders"? What's so "new" about young-earth creationism?
too . . . dumbstruck . . . to . . . comment
Lets have a New Calvinist Bible while we're at it that puts the words "elect" and "predestined" in bold font and explains away the passages warning us against falling away while we're at it.
oops I guess I'm a little repetitive
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